The Summer is coming to and end although the weather remains fine and dry but the toy fairs are back again. In fact I missed one a couple of weeks ago but saw in the local paper that there was a new one this Sunday. Had to go along to see what was there. New and different traders from the norm but very little dublo. However there on a general traders stand was a Gaiety GWR 0-6-0PT either made for 3 rail or converted to 3 rail. It was in excellent condition and a snip at the price quoted. I had bid on a couple on ebay and this was much cheaper. The Gaiety was made in the 1950’s initially without a motor but later with one. They also made an N2 0-6-2T like the Dublo one. It is possible that my one has been superdetailed as the handrails are brass coloured and the photos that I have seen don’t show this. No chips, excellent paint work all in all a very good acquisition.
Having run it I am sure that this is a two rail conversion as it stops over points, well it doesn’t stop but it hesitates, which is an indication of earthed wheels. I really will have to get hold of some of this paint which was suggested by Nicc to improve the running. However overall it performs pretty well and I am well pleased. I have posted some pictures of the new acquisition in the 2005 layout pictures. In tis it is pulling a small goods train but I am sure that it will pull a long train of freight wagons as it seems to be very powerful and the engine is very heavy so it should do well.
My last acquisition has not been mentioned or photographed. I bought a Hornby Schools Class Dulwich which is a 2 rail engine. I bought this because I went to Dulwich and thought that it woulld be an appropriate addition to the layout. However Dulwich was made in China with fine scale wheels and Mike doesn’t think that it will be easy to convert to three rail. I have left it with him and am hoping for the best. Whether it will ever run on the layout is unknown at this time.