The saga of the Bo-Bo was in a previous post which after a lot of work was still running and stopping erratically. Well so was someone elses on the HRCA forum. One improvement suggestion was to check that the pick up sleeve was flush in the pick up mount as if it wasn’t then the pick up at its lowest position would still be a little high. Off came the body for a check. Lo and behold that was exactly the position – the top of the pick up sleeve was showing when you lifted up the plunger. A sharp thump with hammer on screwdriver positioned on the sleeve pushed it down perfectly.
Onto the track, Excellent running everywhere over points, X crossings and bends. It is still not the best running Bo-Bo I have but it will easily pull 10 wagons at a realistic speed.
Thanks to the HRCA forum I now have a good runner.
Now what’s my next maintenance job.,