My new acquisition is a Triang Hornby Battle of Britain Class named Winston Churchill. This has been converted to 3 rail using an HD pick up. Despite it having a plastic body it pulls my rake of Trix coaches with ease but I have not yet tried it on HD coaches.
HD did a model of the rebuilt version of Bulleid’s pacific, Dorchester (3 rail) and Barnstaple (2 rail) but never the original “spam cam” version. This was modelled by Wrenn and I have their Merchant Navy version of it. The Wrenn model has a diecast body and is really heavy. It does run well but has all of its driving wheels flanged which does make it intolerant of any dodgy curves. My version occasionally derails on one curve although no other loco in the fleet has any problem including the Trix/Lilliput Flying Scotsman which also has a flanged middle driving wheel.
This Triang engine is not the best of models seeming to be slightly too narrow and is not very well detailed but given its introduction date of early 70’s is adequate compared to the rest of the fleet.
The first picture is with Flash, the second without – the colour is meant to be SR Malachite Green. On close inspection neither of the pictures are really very good and I will take some more and replace these – soon.
Overall an interesting addition.