On my small inner oval I have a train of an Graham Farish (Grafar) 0-6-0T with two Farish GWR coaches. I saw on ebay a boxed set of two Grafar GWR Ventilated vans which would go nicely at the head of the carriages. At £10 they were a good buy and look and run very well. So now we have a complete Grafar train.
One that I bought last year was a Hornby Black 5 converted excellently to 3 rail by Neil. I never could understand why Hornby Dublo did the 8F rather than the Black 5 which was a much more popular and numerous engine and would not have required a completely new chassis. This is a tender drive loco but actually runs very well and has very good pulling power. The draw back of these later Hornby is that they often have traction tyre which with a dirty track pick up oil and can stretch and come off. This problem also applies to an extent to those HD locos which had traction tyres (BoBo, CoBo and CoCo diesels.