I had forgotten how long it took me to get the original layout to run properly. Now everytime I run a new train we have derailment and disconnect problems. The Co-Co won’t run at all probably due to its slightly oversize traction tyres, so they will have to be changed. The Flying Scotsman de-railed its tender, the 2-6-4T derailed its bogie, the LMS train coal trucks de-railed and de-coupled etc etc. Points have been changed, new sections of track added, changed, moved etc. Every time there is a new train there is a new problem. I now remember the problems that I had before and they are all reappearing. Its the fact that the track is 50 years old and probably some time in its history has either been trod on or screwed down or both causing it to be less than true. This is combined with the fact that the transition from the oval layout to the new sections are at an angle which makes fitting the correct sections very difficult. The problems continue and no end is in sight at the moment. Although the running track has its own problems they pale into insignificance compared to the points. These are the classic derailers and looking at them there seems to be no obvious reason for it. I change them but then forget to isolate them form the rest resulting in them being used again – I must get a better system. The problem is that sometines they work well in a different place on the track so its best not to throw them away.