With the short days and long nights its time to do some additions to the layout so I have ordered some more Metcalfe cardboard building kits which I will make up and add to the town centre. As I went to the local hobby shop rather than buy them off the internet there was also a chance to pick up 2 or3 (or was it 4 or 5) second hand freight wagons with Triang type couplers to go behind the Warship which currently runs with a converter wagon. This has freed up some genuine HD trucks for elsewhere on the layout. At a £1 each they hardly broke the bank. These all plastic trucks are ideal behind the Warship which has lost its traction tyres and so will only pull a light load. In the photo we have a Lima Warship, 2 Hornby 12T Vans, a Triang 12T van, a Triang converter wagon and a Joeff bogie gas tanker which is HO scale but looks OK – not a HD item in sight but loads elsewhere on dublorunner.com